This Monday (July 15th), I will be getting on a plane to NYC and continuing my life on the east coast. After 3.5 years in LA, I am leaving and beginning the next chapter of my life.
A little over 4 months ago I decided to make this jump into the unknown. This past year I’ve felt like I was just moving on a linear path. I’ve seen growth in my work but not so much in my way of life. I miss that Chicago hustle, that grind. LA has a grind but you have to get into your car to go find it. Everything is spread out and sometimes feels empty. I wanted to get out of this cycle of getting in my car just to explore my city. In Chicago, I maybe took an uber once a month but the majority of my time was walking and taking the train. I felt connected, apart of something special.
To be honest, when I made the decision to move I felt fine, like it was no big deal. As the months turned into weeks and the weeks turned into days I started to freak out. I felt as if I didn’t make the right decision. I felt like I was rushing into something I wasn’t prepared for. I still feel that way, I’m leaving such a comfy life in LA. Perfect weather, great friends, great relationships. Why leave that?
To be honest I couldn’t give you a concrete answer for the move, it’s just self exploration and curiosity of the unknown. I feel like if we are given the option to step out of our comfort zone we need to. In my eyes, change brings growth and growth brings progress. I don’t know what the future holds, but I’m sure of the growth that will come with this shift in life.
Without LA, I wouldn’t have half of what I did when I moved here in 2016. It’s crazy how fast time has flown. It really does flash before your eyes. This is less of a blog and more just a personal thing for me to reflect back on in the years to come. I’m sure I’ll laugh at how much anxiety I faced during this move and how it was all worth it.
Thank you LA. Thank you for giving me lifelong friends, for the beautiful weather, the many successes and failures, the work ethic, the feeling I can do whatever I want. If it wasn’t for LA, I wouldn’t be who I am.
If change freaks you out, gives you anxiety, makes you uncomfortable, Good. Chase that and prove to yourself you can overcome anything in life.